The Ultimate Guide To Affordable Face Masks

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Hi loves! So I’ve been trying out some new face masks recently and I’ve been really impressed with the range the Superdrug Skincare brand has. I think they actually have a face mask for everything you could ever want, most of them are only £1 and they’re almost always 3 for 2. I think they are the perfect place to go if you’re looking to build up your face mask collection on a budget, but the huge range can get super overwhelming and I never know what to try! So, I’ve decided to make a comprehensive guide to Superdrug face masks that will help you navigate such a large collection to find exactly what you need.

If you want hydration…..

The best things to help hydrate your skin are Vitamin E, collagen and any kind of oil, like Argan oil. A good tip is to look out for anti-aging products! Even if you aren’t worried about wrinkles, a lot of anti-aging products have hydrating properties as your skin tends to get drier as you age. The best ones I’ve found from Superdrug are the Argan Oil Clay Mask and the Anti-Aging Moisture Mask.

If you want to clean out your pores……

Some good things to look out for if you really want to cleanse your pores are clay masks or anything containing seaweed. These types of masks will really help to draw out anything stuck in your pores and control excess oil. There’s been loads of buzz about The Body Shop Himalayan Charcoal Clay Mask, but Superdrug have some amazing, affordable alternatives. My favourites from the collection are the Dead Sea Purifying Clay Mask and Black Seaweed Peel-off Mask.

If you have combination skin……

It’s really difficult to find single masks for combination skin because different areas of your skin have different needs. My biggest tip in my Treating Combo Skin post was to use different products on different areas of your skin, and that applies here. Everyone’s skin is different, but I like to take a pore refining mask in my t zone and a hydrating mask on my cheeks. The Superdrug masks come in tear packets, so I just take any little empty sample pot and pour the rest into there for another time.

If you want more radiant skin……

The buzz word for radiant skin is always exfoliating. Anything that can get rid of dead skin cells will leave behind newer, fresher skin. Other great ingredients that help boost your skin’s radiance are fruits, particularly oranges. My favourites from the Superdrug range are the Skin Rescue Tropical Fruit Peel-off Mask and, if you want something a little adventurous, the Orange and Black Lava Exfoliating Mask.

Are self-heating masks worth it?

So I first thought a self-heating mask would be a little bit gimmicky but it actually has some really great benefits for your skin. The gentle warmth will help to open up your pores so it really increases the effectiveness of any ingredients designed to cleanse your skin and get rid of anything trapped in your pores. As a result, all of the self-heating masks will help to clean out your pores, as well as having other benefits like moisturising or exfoliating your skin. The three they have at the moment are the Chocolate Orange Self-Heating Mask, which moisturises your skin, the Apricot Exfoliating Self-Heating Mask, which exfoliates to give more radiant skin, and the Sugar and Spice Self-Heating Mask, which will brighten your complexion. These are really great options if you struggle with multiple skin problems or just need a more intense mask every once in a while.

I really hoped this helped you guys find a face mask that works for you in the Superdrug range. They’re so affordable that you’re able to try things out and it doesn’t matter too much if you don’t find your dream mask, but hopefully with this you will! These are honestly some of my favourite masks full stop, and the affordable price just makes them even better. Let me know if you’ve tried any of the masks I’ve mentioned or any of the other Superdrug masks! Which one is your favourite?

Thanks so much for watching, I love you all xxx

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